NAG Fortran Library

D05 – Integral Equations

D05 Chapter Introduction

Mark of

D05AAF Example Text 5 Linear non-singular Fredholm integral equation, second kind, split kernel
D05ABF Example Text 6 Linear non-singular Fredholm integral equation, second kind, smooth kernel
D05BAF Example Text 14 Nonlinear Volterra convolution equation, second kind
D05BDF Example Text 16 Nonlinear convolution Volterra–Abel equation, second kind, weakly singular
D05BEF Example Text 16 Nonlinear convolution Volterra–Abel equation, first kind, weakly singular
D05BWF Example Text 16 Generate weights for use in solving Volterra equations
D05BYF Example Text 16 Generate weights for use in solving weakly singular Abel-type equations

Table of Contents
© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2002